#Sketchup 2014 render Pc#
Changed the Large Tool Set on the PC to be fixed at 2 columns and to dock vertically.Changed the Draw menu to group certain tool sets together.Added, to the Getting Started toolbar, new drop down toolbars that group together tool sets.Mac: fixed Photo Textures to accurately grab textures on Retina displays.Mac: fixed an issue where the Layers toolbar did not change the current layer.Mac: fixed an issue where in model materials were not visible until opening or creating a model.Windows: fixed an issue where material (*.skm) files saved on Windows would not display material thumbnails on the Mac.Windows: fixed an issue where cancelling from saving a file with the "File > Save As" menu resulted in a failure to prompt you to save unfinished work.Windows: fixed an issue where thumbnail images in the Component Options dialog did not display for standard, non-admin users.Windows: fixed a common crash that could occur when opening certain models with large images on XP.Changed the Text tool to report the xyz coordinate location when adding text to construction points.
#Sketchup 2014 render license#

Fixed a crash that could occur when opening models containing images with certain Exif data on them.Fixed a crash that could occur when loading models with invalid match photo images.